Thank you for visiting us. Our very first article on Blogger (I am personally excited about this beginning) will be this very short description of what this Clay Soldiers site is all about:
As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, our main purpose is to give unto our Holy God all honor and glory which is due Him, and to share His Gospel to the nations, in obedience to the command of Christ.
In the near future you will discover various articles on this site, which touch on a number of topics, such as: God’s holiness, His righteous judgment and wrath, the Gospel of our salvation, mankind’s sin problem, trouble in today’s society and the philosophies behind it, a need for unity in Christ’s Church, the importance of truth…the Bible, the need for a righteous standard in the world, unbiblical behavior in various churches, openly and honestly confronting the cults, what’s going on in Utah, ministry opportunities here and abroad, poetry from various Christian authors, other personal writings, and more.
Drop us a note if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions: servinghim@claysoldiers.com.
Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
One Clay Soldier among many