Construction Up Ahead!
ATTENTION Body of Christ: Currently a grand bridge is in the process of being built in the great state of Utah. And Church, not only will this affect this state, but the surrounding states, and abroad as well. Is this construction absolutely necessary? No, in no way. However, whether or not it is, at this very moment it is under construction; and it has been under construction for some time now.
Supposedly it is being directed toward The Way, but this is not the case. Please beware that it leads to nowhere, it is wholly unstable (it will forever remain that way), and that it is not suitable for any spiritual travel. Those responsible for its construction have completely ignored key instructions in The Owner's Manual ... the Bible. One day they will have to answer for it and give an account before The Owner for leading people astray.
Souls are in grave danger Church! The bridge will fall one day! It is in no way being directed toward The Way. This bridge will truly be detrimental to the cause of reaching the locals of this state, and the surrounding world, with the truth. What is our part in all of this? Our part is to speak the truth in love and point people toward The Way, who alone is Jesus Christ, as described in the Bible alone.
What am I talking about? A bridge?
A book came out in the fall of '07 called: Bridging the Divide, by Reverend Greg Johnson (President of Standing Together, Baptist Pastor) and Dr. Robert Millet(Mormon Professor of Religious Education, Outreach, and Interfaith relations).
Here are two excerpts from the authors:
Reverend Greg Johnson - "Without question, the shared values and morals that both Evangelicals and Latter-day Saints hold dear are under sustained attack from a hostile unregenerate world, and if we do not discover ways to come together, we will surely suffer together."
My comment: By that statement it sounds like Evangelicals and Latter-day Saints are in spiritual unity (and they are not in any way). It even sounds like Latter-day saints are regenerated, born again believers. "Do you disagree? Well, they were not included with the unregenerate world in the statement, so what is the logical conclusion?"
Dr. Robert Millet - "Some readers may be troubled by the title of this book, Bridging the Divide. Let us be clear: The bridge connecting Mormonism with Evangelicalism has not been completed. There are gaps, in some cases large gaps, between our respective faith positions. We have not settled all issues, and are soberly aware that we may not do so in our lifetime. But we are in the business of engaging the issues, wrestling over doctrinal matters, acknowledging differences, and rejoicing in similarities and agreements. In other words, while the bridge is under way, it obviously has not been ‘‘fitly framed together’’ (Ephesians 2:21)."
My comment: I am troubled! Dr. Robert Millet is a false prophet. (Deuteronomy 18) He preaches another gospel. (Galatians 1:8-9) And on top of preaching another gospel, he preaches another Jesus and another spirit. Why is some of the Church bearing with him? (2 Corinthians 11:3-4) There can never be a bridge according to Paul's exhortation, to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. And Ephesians 2:21 is speaking solely of the Body of Christ, not the Church of (another) Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
For further info, visit: http://www.bridgingthedivide.net
Stand your ground Christians!
One Clay Soldier among many