A dead relgion vs. A living faith
What are some of the most obvious of differences? Every single one of us, who names the name of Christ, needs to examine his heart in these things. If you look into the N.T., none were dealt with as much rebuke than the Scribes and Pharisees: "You hypocrites!" our Lord said of them. He dealt with their religion in a very hard way, and we need to deal with it in the same way ... even in our own lives.
Now, this is not a definitive list, of course; but these are some of the most obvious points derived from Scripture:
Dead Religion
1 - God is not glorified
2 - Jesus is rejected
3 - The Spirit of God is blasphemed (the only unforgivable sin)
man ...
4 - pays very close attention to the outward appearance, ignoring the main issue of dealing with the inward man (God is the only One that can do this)
5 - is exalted ... pride
6 - believes himself to be good
7 - establishes his own righteousness ... self-righteousness
8 - puts confidence in the flesh
9 - believes himself better than others
10 - has an Old Covenant mindset
11 - preaches another gospel
12 - does not see a need for repentance toward God, he denies His Son, and he rejects the call to a holy life
13 - -made religion generates bondage
14 - heaps heavy burdens upon others, non-believers and even believers ... legalism
15 - takes pleasure in the fallen state of others; it builds his own confidence
16 - makes it seem impossible to enter God's kingdom
17 - thinks very highly of himself
18 - believes his deeds can actually earn God's favor, in whole or in part
19 - -made religion generates envy, strife, and divisions ... carnality
20 - intimidates and dominates over others
21 - totally misunderstands God's grace and mercy, and therefore has no room for it, only law, wrath, and condemnation ... especially towards others
22 - does not see clearly the need for forgiveness; therefore forgiveness is misunderstood - it must be earned
23 - -made religion generates an unhealthy competition between members, even though God is not a respecter of persons
24 - says a lot of impressive things, but does not back it up with his life ... hypocrisy
25 - -pleasers
26 - wants to be recognized and acknowledged by others
27 - does good deeds in order to appease his conscience - Sin is not dealt with thoroughly - His conscience becomes seared
28 - has some form of religious ceremony and duty that is central, in order to reach God
29 - has traditions that take precedence over God and His word, the Bible
30 - has completely ommitted justice, mercy, and faith
Living Faith
1 - God is glorified
2 - Jesus is Lord and Savior
3 - The Spirit of God is The Helper
the believer (by God's grace) ...
4 - knows that it is the inward man that needs to be changed, before the outward (you must be born again - God is the only One that can do this)
5 - exalts the Lord - He must increase, we must decrease ... humility
6 - understands that God alone is truly good; man is a sinner by nature
7 - believes that God's righteousness is received through faith in Christ alone
8 - puts no confidence in the flesh
9 - loves others, as the Lord has commanded
10 - has a New Covenant mindset
11 - preaches the Gospel of grace
12 - has repented toward God, embraced His Son by faith, and has accepted the call to a holy life
13 - walks in freedom
14 - shares with the lost the Gospel that brings freedom, and he continually reminds other believers of that freedom
15 - is grieved at heart at the fallen state of others - he prays for them and shares truth from Scripture with them, for the purpose of their restoration
16 - shares the way to God's kingdom, Jesus Christ, and the simplicity that is found in Him
17 - thinks highly of the Lord, and knows full-well his own personal state without Him
18 - knows that he deserves God's wrath and understands God's favor is only due to Jesus Christ and His finished work
19 - has spiritual unity with other born again Christians
20 - exhorts and leads by example
21 - understands God's grace and mercy, and therefore shows it towards others
22 - is forgiven, and must forgive others
23 - is one of many members of the Church, the body of Christ, working together for God's glory
24 - does works of love, which shows a genuine, inward faith
25 - is a God-pleaser, through faith
26 - knows the only thing that truly matters is what God thinks of us
27 - believes that it is only the blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin, even our conscience
28 - has Jesus Christ as the center, the only way to God
29 - is driven by faith in the true and living God and His living word, the Bible
30 - has justice, mercy, and faith manifested through his life
For we walk by faith and not by sight,
One Clay Soldier among many
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