How is Christianity any different?
Is it not true that there are many different religions in the world, but most of them basically teach the same thing? Yes. Why do I say this? Well, what is the core teaching of the major world religions that is similar between almost every single one of them? At the very core, is it not the necessity of man to try and live a morally pure life to the greatest of his ability, that he may be rewarded in this life and possibly in the life to come?
But is there any religion in the world that is far different from this, unique, one that stands out from the rest? There is, and that is of the Christian faith. But how exactly is Christianity any different from other religions in the world?
First of all, there is only one religion in the world that is pure and undefiled before God (James 1:26-27). What religion is that? If you are a Christian, you may have heard these words said before (maybe you have said them yourself): "I'm not in a religion, I have a reliationship (with God)." The word "religion" seems to have been given a negative connotation to it within the realm of Christianity. According to Vines Expository Dictionary religion is simply "careful of the externals of divine service..." From a Christian perspective, pure and undefiled religion is a living faith that produces godly outward actions, unlike dead religion that produces nothing except bad fruit. (James 2)
What major holiday is being celebrated today? Easter. What is its significance? Of course, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most important difference between the various religions in the world and the Christian faith. We believe in what the living word of God has declared about the true and living God and His Son who was crucified, buried, and then rose again the third day.
We follow a Risen Savior. He is alive today! Jesus promised to always be with His church since he built it 2,000 years ago and that He would continually intercede for His church until the end comes. Can any other religion say the same? No.
As Christians, it is an absolute necessity for us to continually draw near to the Risen Savior by faith ("The just shall live by faith), in full dependence upon Him. Without Him, we do not have the ability to live out a religion that is pure and undefiled before God. And when it comes to our reward, it will be God Himself, worshipping Him in the glory of His presence.
He is risen indeed,
This is our hope, He is our hope,
One Clay Soldier among many